Archive for the ‘demonstration’ Category

BERSIH: Siva not fit as Suhakam commissioner

November 13, 2007
Bersih wants Siva out of Suhakam
Yoges Palaniappan & Syed Jaymal Zahiid
Nov 13, 07 5:04pm
Elections watchdog Bersih today called for the resignation of Suhakam commissioner N Siva Subramaniam for defending the violation of human rights by the police force at a mass gathering last Saturday.In a press conference held in the parliament lobby today, Bersih committee members said that Siva acted out of his duty as a human rights commissioner by justifying the police action in subduing protesters at the rally.DAP MP for Seputeh Teresa Kok, reading out from a media statement, said that not only the commissioner has failed to defend the right of citizens to peacefully assemble, but had also told the press that the police only moved to quell the protest when the crowd got rowdy.

“More shocking is that Siva had told New Straits Times yesterday that the police did not use violence to control the crowd and that they have acted professionally on the matter,” said Kok.

“Siva is either completely incompetent or utterly dishonest to make such a statement. He has brought further shame to Suhakam which has failed to investigate the police shooting in the gathering at Batu Buruk in Terengganu.”

Kok also rebutted claims that the gathering was illegal. She cited the federal constitution which allowed for every citizen to peacefully assemble without arms.

The Bersih-organised rally saw some 40,000 people taking to the streets and the submission of a memorandum to the King calling for electoral reform.

Shocking and disappointing

Meanwhile, Suaram executive director Yap Swee Seng said that Siva’s statement was shocking and disappointing.

“There is abundance of evidence documented by the international media, which showed the violence committed by the police on that day. I don’t know how Siva can say that the police did not commit violence in handling the crowd,” he said at the same press conference.

“His statement has also deviated from the mandate of Suhakam to protect and promote human rights. In that sense, Siva should resign from his position as a Suhakam commissioner,” he added.

Yap said that Siva should visit the victims hospitalised to see for himself if the police had used excessive violence.

When contacted from comment, Siva refused to say anything further on the matter, saying that the commissioners’ meeting have decided that all matters pertaining to the rally must be spoken through Suhakam chairperson Abu Talib Othman.

Suhakam deputy chairperson Simon Sipaun, when contacted, however said that the statement made by Siva was on an individual basis and did not represent the rights body’s view.

Abu Talib was unavailable for comments.

Police statement tomorrow

At the same press conference today, commenting on Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s statement that the opposition was dragging the royalty into opposition politics, PAS central committee member Dr Syed Azman Syed Ahmad said the members of the public has every right to complaint to the king as he is the ruler of the country.

“We don’t intend to drag the royalty into this, but if the Election Commission and the police refused to listen to our qualms, where else can we go?” asked Syed Azman.

Syed Azman also said that Bersih’s steering committee has declared Saturdays to be its ‘yellow wave day’.

Meanwhile opposition leaders and Bersih committee members Ronnie Liu, Salahuddin Ayub, R Sivarasa and Syed Azman will be meeting an officer from the Bukit Aman’s commercial crime department on Thursday to give their statement over a police report lodged against Bersih.

On Nov 3, the committee members received a call informing them that a police report had been lodged by an individual in Setapak about Bersih’s status as an illegal organisation.

They were supposed to have meet the police officer yesterday but the meeting was cancelled.

SPECIAL REPORT: Bersih mass protest

■日期/Nov 13, 2007   ■时间/06:50:45 pm
■新闻/家国风云   ■作者/merdekareview 曾薛霏

【本刊曾薛霏撰述】武吉阿曼警察总部商业罪案调查组传召干净与公平选举联盟(Bersih,净选盟)四名秘书处成员后天到该组录口供,不过,警方并没有说明调查详情。此外,净选盟决定将周六定为“黄潮日”(Hari Gelombang Kuning),呼吁公众今后每逢周六穿黄衣,继续争取干净与公平的选举制度。

净选盟今午在国会走廊召开记者会,透露净选盟秘书处四名成员――回教党副主席莫哈末沙布(Mohd Sabu)、中委赛阿兹曼(Syed Azman)、民主行动党非政府组织事务秘书刘天球人民公正党副主席西华拉沙(Sivarasa Rasiah)接到警察总部商业犯罪组助理警监安然(ACP Amran)通知,要他们为上周六“万人诉求公平选举和平大集会”录口供。

赛阿兹曼表示:“我们很乐意警方合作,打算星期四去录口供。这集会完全依照警方建议的程序申请准证,当警方拒绝发出准证后,我们还上诉,直到最后一分钟。”净选盟透露,吉隆坡金马主任莫哈末朱加乃因(Mohamad Zulkarnain)于10月29日致函邀请净选盟申请准证,净选盟后来也申请准证。


当一众记者讶异为何由商业罪案调查负责录口供时,净选盟秘书处成员法沙慕斯达化(Faisal Mustaffa,右图)表示:“警方可能认为净选盟是个非法组织。”



她说:“1946年马来人反对马来亚联合邦(Malayan Union),催生了巫统,而巫统这些年来也一直举行大规模游行,其中一次游行是美国国务卿赖斯访问我国期间举行,并由巫青团副团长凯里(Khairy Jamaluddin)带领。”凯里也是阿都拉巴达威的女婿。






回教党青年团团长沙拉胡丁(Salahudin Ayub,左图)补充道:“集会前一周,净选盟致函国家元首要求呈交备忘录,国家元首回信表示准备接受备忘录。如果国家元首认为净选盟的诉求是琐碎且不值一提的话,陛下定当拒绝接受备忘录。集会当天,也由国家元首的私人秘书亲自接领备忘录。”




净选盟也认为,警方才是导致上周六吉隆坡交通大瘫痪的祸首,而非出席集会的人群。全国总警长慕沙哈山(Musa Hassan)上周六说,警方派出千名警察控制集会,但净选盟认为警方无需这么做,如果警察体现宪法和专业精神,就应该发出集会准证。


净选盟也批评警方发表不正确数据,例如指仅四千人参加大集会、245人被捕及无人受伤等。净选盟透露,参加大集会的人数多达四万至五万人,但仅34人捕;不过,在示威期间有六人受伤,其中阿利亚撒(Aleyasak Hamid,31岁)联邦后备队踏伤拖曳后,复被抛上卡车,以致腿断而被迫动手术。

选盟成员马来西亚人民之声(SUARAM)记录了六人遭警方殴打另外五受伤包括莫哈末阿尔法罗(Mohd al-Farook宣称双手被反铐跌倒在地时,警方踢他的头部另外四名受害者姆莫哈末阿斯里(Mohd Asri Ahmad)、阿都哈密(Haji Abdul Hamid Baharuddin)、凯鲁沙里(Khairul Salleh Ahmad及纳斯鲁拉(Nasrullah Ahmad )也因警察暴力而瘀伤。六名受害者已向警方投报。


人民之声执行主任叶瑞生(右图)在记者会上谴责马来西亚人权委员会委员西华苏巴马廉(Siva Subramaniam)昨天对媒体表示,警方没有使用暴力的说法。叶瑞生认为西华的说法与事实不符,且违背了人权委员会捍卫人权的立场。

西华昨天对英文《星报》The Star)说:警察只在人群不受控制时才镇压以及《新海峡时报》New Straits Times)说我认为警察根本没有使用木棍驱散人群因此,任何指警方使用暴力的指控确实。



出席记者会的净选盟成员包括妇女发展组织(WDC)的玛丽亚陈亚都拉(Maria Chin Abdullah)、动力青年召集人李凯伦民主行动党全国副主席古拉(M. Kula Segaran)等。

“Saya pantang dicabar!” Sekarang nak balas dendam?

November 12, 2007


You Have Been Challenged, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi!
M. Bakri Musa
“Saya pantang dicabar!” (lit:  “I am allergic to challenges;” fig. “Don’t challenge me!”) declared Prime Minister Abdullah in an uncharacteristically bold assertion to the media on the eve of BERSIH’s massive street demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur last Saturday, November 10, 2007.
            You have now been challenged, Mr. Prime Minister, openly and publicly by your own citizens, and you have emerged impotent!  That huge street rally may be illegal to you, but the King had consented to receiving its leaders and their petition.  In effect, the King too has challenged you, Abdullah!  In case you did not get the message, you had just been served a very public royal rebuff.
I too, challenge you, Abdullah!  Instead of arresting those ordinary citizen demonstrators, I dare you to arrest their leaders, Anwar Ibrahim, Hadi Awang, Lim Kit Siang, and Raja Petra Kamarudin.  Those ordinary folks were merely exercising their basic rights as citizens of a democracy:  the right to free assembly and to petition the authorities.
            As per the refrain of the Ghostbusters theme song, “Who are you gonna call now!” Mr. Prime Minister?  Your fabulous Fourth Floor boys?  Your son-in-law who is using you as his “protection?”  Imagine being considered as such by your son-in-law!
            Khairy Jamaluddin obviously had not heard of your “demonstrations are not part of our Malay culture” bit.  Either that or Khairy had blissfully ignored it as when he led that pathetic street demonstration against your official guest, US State Secretary Rice.
            In a speech earlier in the week, Khairy demanded that the authorities “come down hard” on the BERSIH demonstrators.  While there were some water cannons and tear gas canisters unloaded, the demonstrations went ahead smoothly and successfully to the palace.  The police even released most of those arrested.  Your son-in-law challenged you to be tough on the demonstrators, and you came out lembik (limp).
Dim Wit Understanding of Democracy
In denying the BERSIH demonstrators their police permit, Abdullah demonstrated only a dim wit understanding of democracy, akin to that held by Saddam Hussein and Pervez Musharraf.  Both were voted in with over 98 percent of the votes, and they took that to mean they could ride roughshod over their country and citizens.  Never mind that their elections were anything but fair and free.
            Democracy means rule of the people, but it does not mean mob rule legitimized through the ballot box.  Electoral victory is not a license for tyranny of the majority.  As Fareed Zakaria wrote so eloquently in his book, The Future of Freedom, democracy is more than just elections.  Even if elections were fair and free (far from the reality in Malaysia, hence the demonstrations!), obsession with or sole reliance on them would threaten the other far more important aspects like the rule of law, private property rights, separation of powers, and the right to free speech and to assemble freely.
            Elections regular or otherwise, honest or rigged, do not guarantee these; only independent and impartial judges could.  An independent judiciary is thus the hallmark as well as the guarantor of democracy and freedom, certainly much more than universal adult suffrage.
            As for the state of the Malaysian judiciary, the Lingam tapes painfully showed what a sorry mess it is in.  Even if BERSIH were completely successful with its petition and the Elections Commission completely overhauled, there is still the monumental task of cleaning up the judiciary and restoring its long lost integrity.
            These points are elementary and obvious to all, save the dim witted.
Time to Deliver The Next Lesson
There is another feature of the dim witted; they are slow learners.  It is unlikely for them to have learned a lesson from Bersih’s successful rally, or if they did it may not have stuck.
            Since the only lesson that would register on their thick skulls is election returns, my friend Din Merican had started a campaign to register voters.  The next step would be to ensure that they will vote against the Barisan coalition.
            It would encourage voters to do that if there were to be substantial and effective co-ordination among the opposition parties to ensure that there would only be a one-on-one battle with the Barisan in every constituency.  The objective here is rather modest, to inflict enough damage to the Barisan coalition such that it would precipitate internal squabbling especially within UMNO to trigger its implosion.
            Selecting the best candidate, meaning one who would most likely defeat the Barisan’s nominee, involves studying the demographics of the constituency as well as the Barisan’s candidate.  Since race is never far from voters’ considerations, the best avenue to neutralize this crucial factor would be to field candidates of the same race as the Barisan’s nominees.  This was the clear lesson from the recent Ijok by-elections.  Thus the opposition must be ready to change candidates on nomination day depending on who would represent Barisan.
            For example, if Barisan were to re-nominate the current MCA candidate but at the last minute the seat were to go to UMNO, then the opposition must be ready to substitute a Malay candidate.  If that party (like DAP for instance) cannot come up with a Malay nominee, then it should be willing to give the slot to a Malay from one of the other parties.
            BERSIH’s victory should embolden the citizens to impart to the Barisan government the other equally important lesson:  cleaning out the rot in the judiciary.  No less than a full Royal Commission with full powers to subpoena witnesses and grant them immunity should be the objective.  As Fareed Zakaria noted, an impartial and independent judiciary is the best guarantor of our freedoms and democracy.  We must keep drumming these lessons lest they forget easily.
            We must keep mencabar (challenging) Abdullah until he comes to his senses and realizes the obvious:  the job of being a Prime Minister of our great nation is way above his head.  If he does not, others either within or outside his party should be emboldened enough to tell him so.

BERSIH March: Experience of a ‘Yellow Walker’

November 12, 2007

  This is the full-colour leaflet distributed in mosques in the Klang valley to influence the Muslims not to take part in the peaceful Nov 10 rally. This leaflet bears no publisher and printer.Pengecut!

sharing my personal experience on the bersih gathering/march…from a brave Yellow Walker…
“people should not be afraid of their governments, the governemts should be afraid of their people”…


when i got up approx 1100 hours on 10th october 2007, i know i will be part of the history in malaysia!…

just want to briefly share what i experienced in the bersih gathering/march which i attended with much enthusiasm!…

as most of you already know there are 4 meeting points for meet-up before we marched to dataran merdeka before we proceed to the palace to submit the memorandum to the king on asking for a massize reformation to the electoral roll…. i went to the sogo meeting point…

expecting the massive traffic out there… i took the public transport… i boarded the ktm komuter in kl sentral at approx 1145 hours… waited for at least 30 mins before the train actually moved an inch… apparently they have some ‘technical problems’ at the station in front… but, there was about 3 trains opposite the coach am in passed us by from the station in front of us!… ‘technical problems’ eh?!?… want to delay/deny us, say so lah… we understand the fear and uncertainties of certain people… 🙂 …

reached sogo approx 1245 hours, not before going though tens of police personnel staring at you as if you are a criminal, took my lunch and walked around and more and more people can be seen… i knew this is gonna be huge, really huge!… police personnel were all over the place inside and outside sogo then and helicopter right above us drowning the noise of the people… a real low way of doing things eh?!?…

joined my group opposite sogo, which was only about 10 of us… had a drink with them.. changed into my xxxl yellow bersih t-shirt and voila… we marched towards the main entrance of sogo and greeted by roars and claps by hundreds of others, which was mainly pas supporters… made way for the 10 of us to be placed right in the middle of the group…. right after we arrived, one guy took over the meet-up with a prayer… at that particular time, the muhibbah thing struck me really hard… needless to say, the irritating helicopter which was flying really low ‘drown’ the prayers…

after the prayers, we started our march at approx 1400 hours with very gloomy looking sky above us!… minutes into our march just before the dbkl building on our right, it started pouring… came well prepared with plastic bags and a backpack to keep my stuffs dry…. 🙂 … fru set-up a barricade infront of us, they practically set up barricades surrounding the whole of dataran merdeka!… we then marched towards the main entrance of royal selangor club greeted by many others who was having their lunch there and the motorists opposite us and that basically kept us moving further in the heavy downpour!… we passed the masjid negara opposite us minutes later…. thousands of them came over to join us, if am not mistaken including some heavy weights too fm that meeting point, at that time the crowd grew to easily to at least 400 meters long…

basically the ‘chanting’ of “daulat tuanku”… “hidup rakyat”… “hancur kezaliman”… hancur rasuah”… the takbir… etc…. heard even louder then…

at that particular time, i knew very much we are not heading to dataran merdeka, instead we will be marching towards the palace directly!…

as we were passing the chinese assembly hall, another group join us… as this particular time, the crowd grew to at least 600 meters long!… a sea of yellow can be seen when i looked back… at that time, the rain start slowing down…

as we were passing by public bank on our right and nearing the palace… thousands more joined the line… it was at this time i spotted a guy in crutches with a leg amputated, all soaked up, marching his way to the palace… this stunned me for a while thinking how can a person with one leg do this!.. shame one me when the first i heard about this bersih gathering/march, i was actually thinking and contemplating whether to go for it or not!… shame on me!… i have the utmost respect for that guy!… God bless him, whoever he is!…

we reached at the main entrance of the palace at approx 1500 hours… some heavy weights gave some short speeches… at approx 1530 hours or so, the memorandum were submitted to the king’s special assistant or to someone along that line… still drizzling at that time… met my eldest brother there who were also drenched in the rain, am surprised he actually came for it tho!… 🙂 … i thought it was a joke when he told me he is coming!… my second nephew could not make it, although my eldest brother and myself very much want him to come and be exposed to all these things and to all the crap we are going through!…. he came by lrt… walked all the way fm central market.. understand fm him that particular trip he took was the last trip that the lrt goona stop in central market station… talk about ‘manipulation’ eh?!?… 🙂 … he was stunned when he was fm the lrt he is in, looking down and saw seas of yellow marching.. as he put it… “it was a very nice sight”!… i would get goosebumps when i see that!… btw, understand from my brother that my eldest nephew’s friend stopped by police twice, when he was on his way for some frisbee competition/training, because he wore a yellow shirt!.. wtf?!?…

the whole things finished by approx 1600 hours… it was another long walk for both of us to get a cab home…

understand that there was approx 80 people arrested (probably for ‘formalities’) in masjid jamek meeting point… mainly pas supporters/unit amal people… water cannon, tear gas and chemical were sprayed/released!… until now (2245 hours on 10th november 2007) no concrete confirmation on this… we shall wait for the official reports/news in the next couple of days…

things i learnt fm this bersih gathering/march… in no particular order…

1) if you have the same vision and mission for a particular… race and religion does not matter, both this 2 issues won’t play a part in it…

2) this bersih gathering/march is indeed a very loud voice to the current ruling bn/umno rotten to the core government!…

3) there are people who are actually very afraid when they read about the news saying no permit given, fear of certain things, etc… but, they want things to be changed!…

4) no matter whatever ways they may be using to stop us fm attending this bersih gathering/march.. NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING can stop us!…

5) it’s very nice and comforting to see malaysia still have hope!…

6) it’s very nice and comforting to see people march arms in arms regardless who you may be!…

7) unit amal is very professional in handling things!…

8) there are people who love malaysia to bits!…

9) my love for the country went a step deeper!…

10) it’s good to expose yr kids to all these things!…

11) my parents and my immediate family members are very supportive of all these things, as they believe in wat the current rulling bn/umno rotten to the core government is doing is very wrong and one sided!…

12) the police created the extremely massive traffic jams all over the klang valley, not the people!…

13) the irritating/annoying sound of helicopters can work better than police car siren!…

14) kyros kebab in sogo is yummilicious!… 🙂 …

15) it was nice to walk around sogo after such a long time, sogo used to be one of my favourite places to hang out after school!…

16) always have the interest in politics since primary school… if not for monetary issues for now, i WILL take the plunge into politics full time, of course with my parents’s blessings, which i think they will give me tho!… 🙂 …

17) every little tiny help fm everyone, do make a different!…

18) this bersih gathering/march is not a political gathering/march.. no party flags, t-shirts, logo, etc… should be seen… we see nothing political in this bersih gathering/march… people can be very well discipline if it make sense to them tho!…

19) if am aab, i better have the biggest headache now tho!…

20) the chinese and indians in particular must be pro-active in making the country a better, cleaner, fairer and colour blind to live in!… i respect the malays in being very pro-active in these kinda gathering/march… nope, am not talking about those people fm the rotten to the core umno!…

21) kj is really no one.. he is just some dude fm kuwait, some datuk and datin’s son… graduated fm a well-known university, hooked up with aab’s daughter and voila… he is ‘someone’ now… also, he can certainly get along very well with power and money now tho!…

22) nazri may say… “this is not the majority, we have 27 million rakyat, only 40,000 turned up”!…

23) it will be interesting to hear mm’s point of view on this bersih gathering/march!…

24) general election may not be so soon after all…

25) i still get goosebumps when watching this video, after countless of times… ( )!…

26) this is just the beginning to many more things to come, we must continue the struggle… pls do your part!…

reports fm al jazeera…

more videos in malaysiakini…


pix galore!…



( )…




spot the difference…

between this…

( )…

and this…

( )…

well, i dun blame the repoters fm the star tho… it’s perhaps another component party of barisan nasional…

34 instead of 245… bigger number to ‘create fear’ in the rakyat?!?… they must be thinking the rakyat are some stupid uneducated fellas eh!…
p/s ; any difference between detained and arrested?!?..

BERSIH: PM worried about Agong’s intervention

November 12, 2007

  Bringing the people’s memo to the King on behalf of BERSIH

PM Abdullah blamed the Opposition for dragging the monarchy into politics. He spoke as if HRH Agong has no mind of his own.

Come on, AAB. Please learn to respect our King. Our monarchy is not mere rubber stamp. Under the Federal Constitution, they have the rights to right the wrong in the administration. And it’s only natural for the rakyat to turn to the King for help when the BN government is failing all Malaysians in every aspect of its administration. 

It was also wrong for AAB to claim that the rakyat were angry with the Opposition for organising the protest rally. In fact, more and more people now understand the importance of a clean and fair electoral system. What is so important about causing traffic jam compared to the demand of a clean and fair electoral system? To be fair to BERSIH, the traffic jams were created by the police. They should not have set up so many road blocks in the first place. The traffic jam has very little to do with BERSIH.

BMC access: Anti-Toll signature campaign launched on Sunday

June 26, 2007






























Rawang HTZ: A victory for the people!

June 25, 2007
It’s a case of “satu hati” Vs “suka hati” (borrowing Sdr M Batumalai’s words) in today’s dramatic tussle between the Rawang villagers and TNB officials.

More than a hundred villagers managed to prevent TNB workers to start work on the high tension transmission project. We insisted that all works have to stop before a solution or agreement be reached between the villagers and the Federal and Selangor state governments.After our protest, the TNB officials have no choice but to leave the site.

I must thank the workers for refilling the big hole they have dug earlier to prevent a potential tragedy from happening.

After the protest, the authority now sets a new date for discussion and negotiation with the Rawang Anti High Tension Transmission Project Action Committee and affected landowners on Friday 29 June 2007 @9am at the Selayang Land Office.

Both Chan Kong Choy and Tang See Hang were said to be present on the day. I will be there too as the advisor of the committee.

TV8 also sent its team to cover the event and it was broadcasted over its 8pm Mandarin news a while ago. TV3 was also there to cover the entire event.

Saty tuned.


■日期/Jun 24, 2007   ■时间/06:24:50 pm
■新闻/家国风云   ■作者/Merdekareview庄迪澎
【本刊庄迪澎撰述】国家能源公司(国能)职员今天到雪兰莪州万挠新村动工兴建高压电缆的部份工程,百多名村民拉着布条赶到现场阻止铲泥机(神手)继续挖掘深坑。由于双方各不让步,场面一度僵持不下,但一个多小时之后却戏剧性收场,国能让神手司机将已挖掘的深坑重新填回,收队离开,村民则为打赢了一仗而鼓掌欢呼!国能(营运与技术)高级副主席莫哈末西迪在本月19日向媒体宣布,雪州行政议会决定在万挠新村兴建高压电缆已成定局,高压电缆不会绕道而行,而且将在今天(6月24日)动工。【点击:广才承诺解决•国能宣布动工 万挠村民要以庭令阻高压电缆】成立“争取高压电缆绕道工委会”消息见报后,万挠“反对高压电五人小组”召集村民会商,并在昨晚成立了一个由21名村民组成的“万挠新村争取高压电缆绕道、反对逼迁工委会”,由原五人小组成员吴亚九担任主席。万挠新村居民两年前接获通知,国能计划在新村附近兴建高压电缆,并要求该村51户人家搬迁。村民拒绝国能的赔偿建议,坚决捍卫家园。后来村民成立了五人小组,展开反对高压电缆运动。







刘天球告诉在场的国能雪兰莪州区经理沙尼阿末(Sani Ahmad),能源、水务及通讯部长林敬益、士拉央区国会议员陈广才、万挠区州议员邓诗汉、能讯部高级官员、国能高级管理层和五人小组曾在5月23日达成协议,给陈广才及邓诗汉一个月的时间寻求解决方案,以便将高压电路线转移到另一可行的绕道地点。

陈广才当时向媒体宣布,解决方案是把高压电路线转移到连接瓜雪亚三爪哇(Asam Jaya)和万挠邓普勒花园(Templer Park)的拉达高速公路(LATAR Highway)右边,绕过万挠新村。【点击:陈广才一个月内寻解决方案 万挠高压电事件或绕道解决】














今年5月17日,国能承包商也曾到万挠新村动工兴建高压电缆,同样遭村抗议和阻止;双方协商了三至四个小时,万挠警局副主任苏巴马尼安(Subramaniam)后来接获“上头”指示,国能技术人员、工程承包商、警察才陆续离开动工地点。当时,接获消息的邓诗汉曾表示会亲身前来,后来却不见人影。【点击:万挠人阻国能建高压电缆 邓诗汉讲要来却不见人影】



更新: June 24, 2007 18:09



China Press






































07年6月24日 晚上9:26







国能动土消息传出后,万挠“反对高压电5人小组”几天后召集村民商讨对策,并成立了21人的“争取绕道,反对逼迁” 万挠新村工委会,由5人小组成员吴亚九担任主席、林成昌担任副主席、王仲辉担任秘书和温伟明担任财政。该工委会也召开了今早的村民大会。
















Rawang HTZ: Chan Kong Choy, what happened?

June 24, 2007
Transport Minister Chan Kong Choy, who’s also the MP for Selayang, has been keeping mum until today over the unilateral declaration made by TNB, that the TNB will proceed with the high tension transmission project in Rawang now that the Selangor State Goverment has given them the greenlight not to take an alternative route as agreed by Lim Keng Yaik, Chan Kong Choy and Rawang state assemblyman Tang See Hang last month at Putrajaya.I will be attending a protest cum press conference in Rawang new village on Sunday 24 June 2007 morning (10.30am at the market place) together with M Batumalai (DAP Rawang Rep), Tian Chua and representative from the KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall.

Stay tuned!


推薦給朋友    列印

Sinchew Daily News

updated:2007-06-20 14:54:25 MYT











他說 ,於5月29日的一項會議上,雪州政府基於國能提出3項無法克服的技術的因素,而同意國能不接受繞道建議




他說,國能會於7月在鵝嘜土地局安排一項對話會,聽取居民賠償要求,並希望居民對於工程的進行給以配合。 (星洲日報/大都會•2007.06.19)

Sexist MPs must be punished

May 16, 2007
After watching the 5-minute video shot by Malaysiakini, I have an impression that Sharizat Jalil will not be firm and steadfast to demand any actions to be taken against the sexist duo in the Cabinet meeting today. The DAP delegation led by the SG Lim Guan Eng has brought the matter to the DPM office on Monday, urging Najib to sack both Bung Mokhtar and Mohd Said.

Protest held against sexist MPs

Yoges Palaniappan and Ooi Kelly
May 15, 07 6:46pm
‘We want gender sensitive MPs!’ This was among the slogans chanted during a protest outside the Bukit Perdana government complex in Kuala Lumpur today.About 60 people, carrying placards and banners, participated in the hour-long protest, which started at about 11am.

A small number of uniformed policemen kept watch as the protestors voiced their objections to the sexist remarks made by Barisan Nasional parliamentarians Bung Mokhtar Radin and Said Yusof in Parliament last week.

The protest was organised by the Joint-Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG). Among those present at the protest were a number of representatives from MCA, a member of the ruling coalition.

A memorandum was presented to Women, Family and Community Development Minister Sharizat Abdul Jalil.

Suspension, pay cut

The memorandum, read out by Women’s Development Collective executive director Maria Chin Abdullah, demanded a public apology from the two MPs.

She also urged Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who chairs the cabinet committee on gender equality, Sharizat’s ministry and the parliamentary caucus on gender equality to end sexism and gender discrimination in Parliament.

“Any MP who ill behaves in Parliament should be suspended for a period of six months and his pay and allowances cut until the suspension is over,” she added to applause from those present.

Sisters in Islam executive director Zainah Anwar said MPs who are gender insensitive must not be re-elected.

She cited five MPs – Bung, Said, Mohamad Aziz (BN-Sri Gading), Badruddin Amiruldin (BN-Jerai) and Abdul Fatah Harun (PAS-Rantau Panjang).

“We don’t want them to be re-elected, because they have ridiculed their constituencies, parties, the Parliament and government,” she said, vowing to stage protests in their respective constituencies should they stand for elections.

Don’t get emotional

Meanwhile, Shahrizat said she will raise the matter during tomorrow’s cabinet meeting.

“We (the government) are very sensitive, we’re following this issue and will take (the necessary) steps. We expect everyone, from backbenchers to the opposition, to behave with decorum and dignity,” she added.

However, the minister said there was no need to get overly emotional about the matter and ruled out the need to hold protests.

“I really don’t think its necessary to hold this kind of gathering. Just give me the memo and we will see to it. But I admit you are NGOs and you are free to do it,” she said.

Wanita MCA representative Felicia Ling (left) also urged the minister to take necessary action.

“We’re all behind you, you have the nation’s 50 percent population behind you. There’s nothing to be afraid of,” she said.

The protest was participated by representatives from various women’s groups, rights groups and political parties.

What the rest had to say

S Arutchelvan, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) pro-tem secretary-general

The comments made by them is disgusting. The worst part is they made it in Parliament and they didn’t show any remorse over it.

The matter must be exposed to the public as it would prevent them from making the same mistake again.

They must apologise and BN must take disciplinary action against them.

Y Kohila, grassroots movement Jerit

They will get angry if the same statements are made about their wives and daughters, but yet they did it.

Women have progressed and we make half of the nation’s economic force. We must stop voting for them.

Lee Huat Seng, student movement Dema

There will be no equality until there is gender equality.

R Ragunanthanan of Young Lawyer’s Association

I’m embarrassed to be a man because of the two MPs. They must apologise and Sharizat must step down if she can’t defend her fellow womenfolk.

Fong Po Kuan (far left), DAP MP

We’re not here because we are emotional. We are here to stress that it is about time to stop the recurring of sexism in the Parliament.

I hope that after this incident, there wont be any derogatory remarks and gender discrimination in the Parliament.

Watch the five-minute video here.


MCA elected reps betray Rawang residents

May 14, 2007
Several ministers have promised the Rawang villagers who were affected by the TNB high-tension transmission project to bring the matter to the Cabinet for discussion and to find a solution. These promises were made during both Machap and Ijok by-elections. Ministers who have pledged to help them include Ong Ka Ting, Chua Soi Lek and Samy Vellu. Even DPM Najib has personally received the memo from the villagers in Ijok. But these promises now appear to be nothing but empty promises. The affected villagers held a press conference as well as a protest yesterday. I was invited to speak as their advisor. In my speech, I encouraged them to seek a judicial review as a last resort in the event that all negotiations with the Selangor State Government and TNB failed to resolve their problems. The whole episode so far has clearly shown that the local MCA elected reps Tang See Hang and Chan Kong Choy have betrayed the villagers. Tang, a ‘big time’ developer, was said to have vested interest in the project.

PKR’s Information chief Tian Chua and a representative from the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall were also there to lend their support and solidarity.

Malaysiakini has the story…


07年5月14日 下午3:03




















Is Selangor slowly becoming a cowboy state?

April 15, 2007




The Residents of Taman BP3, Bandar Bukit Puchong wish to protest to MPSJ and the Selangor State Government  regarding the illegal cabins which have been squatting on our playground since August 2006. Despite all our complaints and all the empty promises made by MPSJ to relocate the illegal Cabins from here in January 2007, no action has been taken yet. MPSJ has failed to act against the owner by demolishing or removing the Cabins when the 30-day deadline for removal of the Cabins (given by MPSJ, starting on 6 February 2007) expired on 8 March 2007 . MPSJ has ignored the many complaints of the residents and instead chosen to take sides with the owner of the illegal Cabin by giving them a tempory permit.


The owner of this Cabin, En. Zawawi, the Chairman of UMNO Bandar Bukit Puchong claims he wants to set up a “Bilik Gerakan Pilihanraya “ and “tempat aktiviti masyarakat”.This was at first rejected by MPSJ in their Council meeting on 31 January 2007. However MPSJ made a sudden “U-TURN” on 14 March 2007 by deciding to give them a tempory permit after the intervention of Dato’ Satim Diman, ADUN for Sri Serdang and who is also a MPSJ Councillor. This was reported in the SUN newspaper. Isn’t that a clear example of conflict of interest and abuse of power by our elected representative? Is Selangor slowly becoming a Cowboy State where different rules apply to different people, politicians live by their own rules and “closing one eye” is now the new culture? How can the Selangor Government claim that Selangor is a fully developed State when instead it is gradually becoming like a Cowboy State where illegal activities are now being legalized by the State Government? Very Disgraceful indeed! 

The residents of  Taman  BP3 have many questions about this project!  Why must En. Zawawi use our playground for his project? Did he consult the Residents first whether they agreed with his project ? Can Public playgrounds now be used as branch offices of political parties ?  

Encik Zawawi is an outsider who resides in Jalan BP 1/8. There is a field near  his house in Jalan BP 1/8. Why didn’t he set up the Cabins on the field near his house? Why can’t he use the existing “Balai Masyarakat “ in Taman BP2 for his “aktiviti masyarakat  “ or UMNO activities? That Hall is severely underutilised but instead he wants to set up his UMNO office here using “ aktiviti masyarakat “ as his excuse. Why not rent the vacant shoplots or use the many empty lots of Gerai MPSJ in our Taman?

He is also has no shame in putting up the “UMNO Bukit Puchong“ signboard proudly proclaiming his status as a squatter on our field. He was also involved in criminal intimidation of the Residents on Saturday, 27th of January 2007 and was arrested by the Police after the Residents lodged a Police Report.

We the Residents of Taman BP3 refuse to be bullied or intimidated by anyone even if they choose to behave like Gangsters!   The Selangor State Government is proud of its “ ZERO SQUATTER “ Programme which it started in 2005 when local councils went around demolishing squatter settlements. So how can the Selangor Government and MPSJ now allow this squatter to occupy our playground ?

We the Residents of Taman BP3 do not want any outsiders squatting on our playgrounds and hijacking it for their own use. We already have too many “white elephant“ projects in the neighbourhood.  We do not want another “white elephant “ structure on our field to spoil the neighbourhood’s view and adversely affect the value of our properties. We also do not want any noise pollution or environmental pollution in our neighbourhood as a result of this project. 

This field belongs to the Residents of Taman BP3 and not outsiders. MPSJ and the Selangor State Government must respect the rights of the residents of this taman and remove this illegal structure immediately.

We will continue to protest until the Cabins are finally removed from our fields. To the illegal Cabin owner, we wish to say; PLEASE REMOVE YOUR UGLY CABINS AND LEAVE OUR PLAYGROUND ALONE!  

The Resident Committee,Taman BP3,Bandar Bukit Puchong                        

 15 APRIL 2007




1) August 2006 ;  2 red cabins suddenly appear on our playing field facing Jalan BP 3/1 and BP 3/4 , Taman BP3, one Saturday afternoon in early August 2006. Another blue Cabin appears on another Field  facing Jalan BP 3/5 in the same
Taman. Soon after, a signboard with the name “ UMNO Bandar Bukit Puchong “ is erected beside the Cabins. No Notice is given to the Residents about the purpose of the Cabins.
Complaints are made by the Residents to MPSJ since August 2006 about the illegal Cabins which are occupying a public playground.  

2)  MPSJ WRITTEN REPLIES (Complaint No ; 0361/08/2006)


18 Oct 2006 & 3 Nov 2006 ( same reply on both occasions)Siasatan telah dijalankan. Notis Pemberitahuan telah ditampal di pintu masuk kabin. Kabin tersebut adalah kepunyaan UMNO kawasan tersebut. Sila rujuk kepada JKKP kawasan tersebut. ( En. Hashim) 

12 December 2006Siasatan telah dibuat berkali-kali dan notis memindahkan telah dikeluarkan. Didapati kontena tersebut adalah pemilik UMNO kawasan tersebut. Telah berkali-kali pihak kami menelefon JKP kawasan tersebut tetapi tidak dapat. Pihak kami akan mencuba sehingga bertemu dengan wakil UMNO tersebut. 

3 ) 15 December 2006 : First complaint letter sent to Yang Dipertua,                                           MPSJ. No reply received. 

4) 15 January 2007 : Complaint Letter sent to Puchong MP, Lau                                     Yen Peng. No response received from him. 

5) 25 January 2007 : Article first appears in the SUN newspaper about the illegal cabins on our playground in Bandar Bukit Puchong. 

6) 25 January 2007 : Request for meeting with the Residents received from P.A  of Puchong MP, Danile Leong. Meeting fixed on Saturday 27/1/07 10.00am at the Playground. Despite confirming the meeting on 26/1/07(Friday ) morning via several phone calls, the meeting with the residents is cancelled at the last minute by PA of Puchong MP at 11pm on 26/1/07(Friday ) 

7) 27 January 2007 10.30am : Residents meet up to discuss illegal cabin issue. Meeting rudely interrupted by En. Hashim (JKP ) and En. Zawawi ( Chairman of UMNO BBP ) together with a large group of thugs (outsiders/non-residents ). Residents are threatened verbally and physically assaulted for daring to challenge the project. Residents rudely told not to interfere as it was an UMNO project. Police Report lodged by the Residents at Balai Polis Puchong Jaya regarding the Criminal Intimidation by En. Hashim & En. Zawawi. ( Report No : Bukit Puchong / 001015/07) 

8) 31 January 2007 : Article published in the SUN Newspaper regarding Criminal Intimidation incident on 27/1/07. 

9) 3 February 2007 : Article published in the Chinese Newspapers regarding Criminal Intimidation incident on 27/1/07 and regarding interview with residents who were eyewitnesses. 

10) 6 February 2007: Notices pasted on Cabins , giving the Owners 30 days to remove the Cabins from the Playground. ( signed by En. Nor Akmar b. Muhammad Razali, Juruteknik Jabatan Bangunan, MPSJ .) 

11 ). 7 February 2007 : Second complaint letter sent to Yang Dipertua, MPSJ urging for speedy action for removal of the Cabins as previous notices from MPSJ were ignored by the Cabin owners. Also complained about abuse of power by JKP Zon 21 ( for going against residents wishes and involved in Criminal intimidation of Residents. ) 

12 ). Letter dated 8 February 2007 received from En. Ismail Bin Muhamad, Pengarah Jabatan Perancangan Bandar,MPSJ stating:         Keputusan Mesyuarat MPSJ bil.01/2007 bertarikh 31 Januari 2007 telah menolak permohonan untuk menempatkan sebuah kabin sebagai tapak bilik gerakan pilihanraya dan aktiviti kemasyarakatan oleh Jawatankuasa Penduduk JKP Zon 21. Tempoh Satu Bulan diberi kepada pihak Jawatankuasa Penduduk JKP Zon 21 untuk memindahkan bangunan kabin tersebut dan tapak tersebut hendaklah dipulihkan kepada keadaan asal. 

13 ) 14 February 2007 : Letter sent to Selangor Mentri Besar, Dato’ Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Bin Toyo regarding illegal Cabins on playground and abuse of power of the JKP and UMNO representatives of Bandar Bukit Puchong. 

14) 24 February 2007: 30 flag poles complete with Flags of the Political Party are constructed by En. Zawawi (Chairman UMNO BBP) along the edge of the Playground as an act of defiance to MPSJ and the residents.( Picture published in the SUN newspaper on 28/2/07). 

15). 28 February 2007: C.C letter dated on 28/2/07 received from Dato’ Haji Mohd. Yusof Bin Shafie, Ketua Setiausaha Sulit kepada Mentri Besar, Selangor forwarding residents complaints to Yang dipertua of MPSJ 

16) 1 March 2007 : Officers from MPSJ remove the Flags from the 30 Flag Poles following news report in the SUN Newspaper. 

17) 1 March 2007 & 8 March 2007 : Articles published in the SUN Newspaper quoting the Selangor Mentri Besar as saying that everyone including political parties must follow procedures and rules. The illegal cabin owners were urged to apply for Temporary Occupation License(T.O.L) from the Land Office. There were reportedly 43 illegal cabin containers in open spaces all over the areas under jurisdiction of MPSJ. 

 5 March 2007: Article published in Star Newspaper( Metro Section) quoting MPSJ Council President , Adnan Mohd Ikhsan as stating that the owners of illegal cabins in open spaces must first apply for the T.O.L from the District Office and later apply to MPSJ for approval.( On March 8 2007, the 30 day notice period expired with no action taken by the illegal Cabin owners or MPSJ to remove the Cabins.) 

18) 15 March 2007: News Headlines of SUN newspaper” Council About-Turn “ stating that MPSJ ,after a Pre-Council Meeting, has decided to legalise illegal cabins squatting on open spaces by issuing them temporary permits which are valid till the end of the year. This was to give the Cabin owners time to obtain TOLs from the District land offices. 

 MPSJ Council Deputy president, Mohd Yusoff Ghazali stated that the Cabin owner had sent an appeal letter to MPSJ. He also claimed that “ the cabin was only occupying a small corner of the field and only a small number or residents had voiced their protest.” 

19) 16 March 2007: Article published in the SUN newspaper mentioning that the ADUN of Sri Serdang , Datuk Satim Diman  gave a lecture criticizing MPSJ officers ( for having earlier removed the UMNO  Flags from the Flag poles ) in the Pre-Council meeting  prior to the MPSJ decision to legalise the illegal cabins. 

20) 21 March 2007 : News Report in the SUN Newspaper stating that the Selangor government had decided 15 years ago that Temporary Occupation Licences ( TOL ) cannot be granted for structures or premises built on gazetted open spaces.Following this decision by the State Executive Council in 1992, a circular was issued by the State Land & Mines Director in 1993 to all land offices. Petaling District and Land office legal assistant, Hasnah Abdul Hamid said “an open space is a must in any development plan whereby the developer must allocate 10% of the land as open space. The land is meant for public usage such as for recreation purposes. It is NOT supposed to be alienated or occupied by anyone. Such open spaces include green belts, buffer zones and road reserves.” 

21) 27 March 2007 : Article published in  the SUN paper by  columnist, Dr Goh Ban Lee in “Local Counsel “ with the title “ Stand up to land Grabbing.” Dr Goh condemns the about -turn decision by MPSJ to legalise all the illegal containers in MPSJ district. The Residents of Bandar Bukit Puchong are also urged to continue their protest because there are sympathetic ears within MPSJ and UMNO members in the Subang Jaya municipality. He wrote, “It is ironic that while Selangor local authorities and land offices have been relentless in demolishing squatter huts, a branch of the ruling political party has been busy illegally occupying an open space and is not being punished. MPSJ certainly could not have been ignorant of Selangor’s zero-squatter policy and the 2003 decision of the National Council of Local Government to safe-guard and protect open spaces” 


Residents Committee,
Taman BP3,
Bandar Bukit Puchong 

( Contact No: 016-6907048, 016-6810234 )